The Years are Short…

They say the days are long, but the years are short… so, maybe that’s how it took me almost five years to get back to business after becoming a mother. Whatever the reason, what’s important is that I’m here now, and I’m ready to help YOU look and feel your very best. Because, I know from first-hand experience now, there is no one more deserving of “ME TIME” than moms.

Fittingly, after FIVE years, I’ve opened up FIVE new time slots in my schedule - on weekdays, during school hours - so that you can escape to my Pilates oasis to destress, refocus, and rediscover your strength. Contact me to request an appointment or to request a FREE 15-minute exploratory call. It’s time to get moving!

Living with Confidence

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Yours truly served as a panelist for a super fun, super femme Microsoft/Bing event for their employees and advertisers, moderated by Lynne Kjelso. The topic: CONFIDENCE. As a 10+ year veteran of the ad business, I had a lot to say!

It was an honor to sit next to Natalie Young, Libby Bush, and Clara Kim - all of whom are super impressive rockstars at their trade. You can see the full video at

Want to step into your confidence? Movement is a great step to reconnecting with yourself so that you can look and feel great!  Click here to request an appointment with Karen today!

Have you tried the Konnector?

Fun Pilates with Konnector_Pilates Teacher_El Segundo Pilates

Konnector is a single-rope pulley system (replacing the static ropes and handles) on the reformer that makes Pilates even more versatile and fun! The system enables independent, simultaneous movement of both arms and legs with proprioceptive feedback, facilitating full-body integration and stronger core activation in new, dynamic ways. 

Pictured: my attempt at teaser using straps on my feet AND my hands! What a fun challenge!

Wanna give it a try?  The Karen Scott Fitness facility is equipped with the Konnector system.  Click here to request an appointment with Karen today!

The Pilates Community

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Pilates is more than a workout - you hear me say this all of the time and it's true! In addition to its many other health and wellness benefits, Pilates creates a sense of community. And so, in that spirit, I decided to teach a free class for the community in my new neighborhood.  It was a beautiful morning of old friends and new putting all else aside and just enjoying a Pilates movement experience.  Hope to see YOU at the next one!

Pictured: friends and neighbors ready to get moving!

Want to join the fun?  Contact Karen to schedule your Pilates session in El Segundo, CA.

All New "Oov on the Mat" Class Added to the Studio Pilates Schedule

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Excited to announce that I'm adding a new class to the Studio Pilates schedule.  Experience the Oov in a mat class setting where I'll guide you through Pilates mat exercises, as well as guide you through less traditional movements, all of which will lengthen, strengthen, and organize your body.  You'll leave class feeling two inches taller!

Thursdays at 9:30am at Studio Pilates in El Segundo.  Email Karen at for more information.

Pilates for Rehab

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Back in November, I was devastated when the doctor said that my foot may be broken, and later relieved to find out it was "just a bad sprain."  Still, the idea of doing life on crutches for several weeks was overwhelming.  When simply getting up from the couch to use the bathroom was exhausting, how the heck would I be able to get around Los Angeles? How could I continue to teach when I couldn't even walk myself?!

But, I made do.  Because life goes on whether you're ready or not.

And when the time came to start putting weight on my foot again, I was grateful for Pilates to help me reintegrate.  Using light springs on the reformer, I started moving through my limited range of motion to increase movement... and each day, I was able to get a little bit more out of my foot.  It was amazing how quickly my strength and range returned to pretty much normal! My Pilates practice sped up my recovery more than I could have hoped.

So, bottom line, Pilates works. As, Joseph Pilates said, "Change happens through movement, and movement heals."

Need a Pilates practice in your life?  Contact Karen to schedule a private session!

Pictured: My awesome rehab companion, my studio reformer in El Segundo, CA.

"Oov for Pilates" Workshop


What happens when six Pilates teachers spend a weekend together at the studio? Well, it looks something like this photo and feels a lot like an adult playground. I assisted the amazing Mette Hansen with her first ever "Oov for Pilates" workshop, where I ended up learning more than I taught, and having more fun than I could have hoped!  We played on the chairs, towers, and reformers, incorporating bands, balls, and any other prop we could find - and really got m-OOV-ing!

Want to join the m-OOV-ement?!  Click here to schedule a private session with Karen, and ask for some time on the OOV!

Pictured: Three fabulous Pilates instructors getting their OOV on.

Summer Vacation Schedule


Summer is hands down my favorite time of year - more daylight hours, shorts and sandals, BBQs and beach time, and... vacation!  This year, my husband and I traveled halfway around the globe to hike to the top of the world's largest red sand dune and lived to tell the tale.

But with summer vacations and schedule changes, it's all too easy to miss a pilates sessions. Don't let this happen to you!  Be sure that I know about any upcoming changes to your schedule or out-of-town dates so that we can reschedule your sessions to a time when you won't miss them. Gone for an extended period of time? Schedule extra sessions before and after and keep up on your homework so that you keep progressing toward your goals.

Need to schedule or reschedule your pilates schedule? Email Karen at so we can sync up our calendars.

Pictured: That's me at the midpoint of our hike up "Big Daddy" - the world's largest red sand dune - in Sossusvlei, Namibia.

Add TRX to Your Pilates Practice

TRX may seem like an extreme sport to some, but when Pilates principles are applied, it makes for a truly beneficial addition to your practice.  Here, I added difficulty to a rollover exercise by placing my hands in the TRX handles - the core control required to slowly lower out of the rollover position was unreal!!

Want to give Pilates or TRX a try?  Click here to contact Karen to schedule a private! 

New Time, Same Great Class

Now you've got even more opportunities to get moving: I've added a Pilates reformer class at 6pm on Mondays at Studio Pilates in El Segundo. The 7pm class remains on the schedule. Come join us to unwind the day's stress - you'll be marching into Tuesday standing tall and feeling great!

Email Karen at for more information about Pilates classes.


Deepening your Pilates Practice

Classes are a great way to maintain your Pilates practice in a fun, group setting, but the only way to progress your practice is to, well, practice! In private sessions, I help you better understand the fundamentals in your body, tailoring every movement to best fit YOU. Plus, we get to play on all of the wonderful apparatus - like the trapeze table, shown here!  This exercise is called "Pelvic Press" - when I'm fully upright, it kinda looks like water skiing, doesn't it? Movement benefits include hip extension, spine articulation, movement integration - they're endless!

Click here to schedule a private Pilates session with Karen!  The Karen Scott Fitness facility is located at a private residence in El Segundo.  Address available upon booking an appointment.

Welcome Polestar Students!

It is my honor to serve as a mentor in the Polestar Pilates Comprehensive Teacher Training Series hosted at Studio Pilates in El Segundo! These men and women are dedicating the next year of their lives to learning to be a safe, effective Pilates practitioner, through the Polestar Pilates methodology - here we go!

Pictured: Mette Hansen, Polestar Educator, teaches the incoming class an introductory mat class.

Want to try Pilates? Click here to schedule a private session with Karen.

Taking M-OOV-EMENT to the Next Level

As your instructor, it's important for me to stay sharp, to keep learning and deepening my understanding of the effects of movement on the human body. Occasionally, that means taking a few days away from you to attend workshops, like this one!  I spent two full days with an OOV master trainer to renew and build on my skills as an OOV practitioner. I'm so excited to bring this new understanding to our next private Pilates or OOV session!!

Click here to schedule a private with Karen.

Themed Reformer Classes in March

Looking for a class that addresses a target area?  This month at Art of Pilates, my classes will do just that! Come see me on Mondays at 8 or 10am, and let's get moving!

March 6 - Abdominal Domination
March 13 - Fire-Arms
March 20 - Booty to Boot
March 27 - Leg Up on the Week

Email Karen at for more information!  Art of Pilates is located on Culver Boulevard in Playa del Rey.

New Year's Pilates at Athleta @ The Point

Get a jump start on your New Year's Resolutions with a FREE mat Pilates class at Athleta @ The Point in El Segundo.  We'll ring in the 2017 with a focus on breath while we strengthen, lengthen, and open.  You'll walk out of class standing taller, and feeling ready to take on the new year!

Or, click here to schedule an appointment with Karen.