
Summer Vacation Schedule


Summer is hands down my favorite time of year - more daylight hours, shorts and sandals, BBQs and beach time, and... vacation!  This year, my husband and I traveled halfway around the globe to hike to the top of the world's largest red sand dune and lived to tell the tale.

But with summer vacations and schedule changes, it's all too easy to miss a pilates sessions. Don't let this happen to you!  Be sure that I know about any upcoming changes to your schedule or out-of-town dates so that we can reschedule your sessions to a time when you won't miss them. Gone for an extended period of time? Schedule extra sessions before and after and keep up on your homework so that you keep progressing toward your goals.

Need to schedule or reschedule your pilates schedule? Email Karen at so we can sync up our calendars.

Pictured: That's me at the midpoint of our hike up "Big Daddy" - the world's largest red sand dune - in Sossusvlei, Namibia.