Continued Education

"Oov for Pilates" Workshop


What happens when six Pilates teachers spend a weekend together at the studio? Well, it looks something like this photo and feels a lot like an adult playground. I assisted the amazing Mette Hansen with her first ever "Oov for Pilates" workshop, where I ended up learning more than I taught, and having more fun than I could have hoped!  We played on the chairs, towers, and reformers, incorporating bands, balls, and any other prop we could find - and really got m-OOV-ing!

Want to join the m-OOV-ement?!  Click here to schedule a private session with Karen, and ask for some time on the OOV!

Pictured: Three fabulous Pilates instructors getting their OOV on.

Taking M-OOV-EMENT to the Next Level

As your instructor, it's important for me to stay sharp, to keep learning and deepening my understanding of the effects of movement on the human body. Occasionally, that means taking a few days away from you to attend workshops, like this one!  I spent two full days with an OOV master trainer to renew and build on my skills as an OOV practitioner. I'm so excited to bring this new understanding to our next private Pilates or OOV session!!

Click here to schedule a private with Karen.